1. Performance of mustard under alley cropping system – F. Bithi
  2. Performance of lettuce under six years old lohakat tree – M. S. Hossian
  3. A comparative analysis of livelihood status between the GÇÿAdibashiGÇÖ and the native rural women in Bangladesh – L.I. Kabir
  4. Performance of radish and coriander under ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala ) based alley cropping system – S.M. Emon
  5. Anthracnose of guava and the effects on its nutritional value – M.M.A. Hossain
  6. Effect of organic manuring on soil properties, dry matter content, yield and yield attributes of soybean – M.Z. Islam
  7. Estimation of effect of Rhizobium inoculant, phosphorus and sulphur on the growth and yield of blackgram – S.M.A. Shahin
  8. Chilli and sweet gourd cultivation surrounding the four years old akashmoni tree in agroforestry system – M.M. Parveg
  9. Winter vegetables cultivation in charland based farming system under Akashmoni tree – M.I. Hosssain
  10. Management of thrips in groundnut using botanical and chemical controlling agent – M.A. Monim
  11. Comparative growth performance of four multipurpose tree species (MPTs) in different containers under nursery condition – N.S Sharmin
  12. Performance of twenty seven onion accessions under different planting date – A.B.M. Mostafizur
  13. Performance of bitter gourd in combination with lohakat tree as silviagricultural system – M.A. Islam
  14. Incidence of mustard aphid and their management using different color traps – M.A. Monim
  15. Performance of tomato varieties in different light levels – T. Ahamed
  16. Functional participation of landless women in income generating activities – M. Aktaruzzaman
  17. Sulphur mineralization of bioslurry and other manures in soil – M.A. Haque
  18. Bitter gourd cultivation with different tree species as charland based agroforestry system – M.I. Hosssain
  19. Screening of tomato varieties for fruit tree based Agroforestry system – T. Ahamed
  20. Integrated use of cowdung and inorganic fertilizer on the performance of modern varieties of transplanted aman rice – U. Shaha
  21. Effect of NAA and BA on multiple shoot formation in Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) – M. Kamal
  22. Effect of Eucalyptus camaldulensis tree on growth and yield of potato in agroforestry system – M.N. Islam
  23. Study on the characteristics of landless womenGÇÖs that influence them to functional participation in IGAs – M. Aktaruzzaman
  24. Effect of different storage containers and additives on health and quality of rice seeds in Bangladesh – M.M.H. Chowdhury
  25. Performance of bitter gourd in association with four years old eucalyptus tree in agroforestry system -J Mandal
  26. Ethnic fruit diversity of Khagrachari district, Bangladesh and their traditional uses – M.J.M. Khatun
  27. Comparative performance of urea and biofertilizer on growth of blackgram – M.R.A. Mondol
  28. Effect of six years old Xylia dolabriformis tree on the growth and yield of soybean and mustard – J. Kundu
  29. Physiological parameters of transplant Aman rice as influenced by weeding regime and integrated nutrient management – S.K. Paul
  30. Effect of scion wood maturity and time on the grafting success survivability and growth of BAU-3 lemon – M. Banik
  31. Effect of pod position of mother plants on yield and quality of okra seed and disease incidence on the subsequent crop – M.G. Kibria
  32. Performance of cucumber in combination with lohakat tree as agroforestry system – M. K. Hasan
  33. Effect of seed priming, trichoderma and fungicide on yield performance of dry direct seeded boro rice cv. BRRI dhan28 – M.J. Al
  34. Performance of sweet gourd and bitter gourd in charland based agroforestry farming system – M.A. Taher
  35. Effect of fertilizer and manures on growth and yield of tulsi and pudina medicinal plant in rabi season – K.M. Rahman
  36. Response of some tomato mutantsvariety to management practices against root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) – J.N. Jibon
  37. Performance of bitter gourd hybrids in multilocation trial during Kharif 2 of 2013- F.H. Ansarey
  38. Effect of planting dates on growth, yield and quality of seeds of eleven accessions of carrot – Kamrun Nahar Mitu
  39. Effects of poultry manure and water hyacinth as organic sources of phosphorus on the growth and yield of rice – P.K. Roy
  40. Assessing groundwater pollution for irrigation in Puthia upazila, Rajshahi – A. Islam
  41. Performance of summer onion stored bulbs on seed production as affected by pre-harvest shoot bending and curing methods – F Islam
  42. Effect of salinity on the germination, growth and development of two varieties of onion (Allium cepa L.) – M. A. Rahim
  43. Effect of Rhizobium inoculant and phosphorus on the growth and yield of binamoog-4 – M. Hassan
  44. Burmese grape (Baccaurea sapida Muell. Arg.) – An underutilized fruit of Bangladesh – M.M.A. Hossain
